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Image by Denis Jung

Dresden and beyond

Find out what Dresden has to offer to international guests and students

Dresden has been in the news in recent years very often. And not only for its history or its impressive collection of art. But it has indeed a much friendlier and open face, that was not often enough mentioned by the news. 

Dresden hosts a couple of international hubs and centers where people from all over the world can meet and start network. See for yourself how Dresden tries to bring together the world. 

"Η Δρέσδη ήταν μια θαυμάσια πόλη, γεμάτη τέχνη και ιστορία και όμως όχι ένα μουσείο που κατοικείτο τυχαία από εξακόσιες πενήντα χιλιάδες Δρεστενούς. Το παρελθόν και το παρόν ζούσαν σε αρμονία μεταξύ τους. Στην πραγματικότητα, θα έπρεπε να διαβάζει: σε αρμονία. Και μαζί με το τοπίο, με τον Έλβα, τις γέφυρες, τις πλαγιές, τα δάση και τα βουνά στον ορίζοντα, υπήρχε ακόμη και μια τριάδα. Η ιστορία, η τέχνη και η φύση αιωρούνταν πάνω από την πόλη και την κοιλάδα, από τον καθεδρικό ναό του Μέισεν μέχρι το πάρκο του κάστρου Großsedlitz, σαν μια συγχορδία που μαγεύεται από τη δική της αρμονία".


Erich Kästner

„Dresden war eine wunderbare Stadt, voller Kunst und Geschichte und trotzdem kein von sechshundertfünfzigtausend Dresdnern zufällig bewohntes Museum. Die Vergangenheit und die Gegenwart lebten miteinander im Einklang. Eigentlich müßte es heißen: im Zweiklang.
Und mit der Landschaft zusammen, mit der Elbe, den Brücken, den Hügelhängen, den Wäldern und mit den Gebirgen am Horizont, ergab sich sogar ein Dreiklang. Geschichte, Kunst und Natur schwebten über Stadt und Tal, vorn Meißner Dom bis zum Großsedlitzer Schloßpark, wie ein von seiner eignen
Harmonie bezauberter Akkord.“

Erich Kästner


DRESDEN concept is an alliance of 33 research institutions from around the world of science and culture resulting in the ideal way to communicate the excellence of research in Dresden. 

Image by Tim Mossholder

Welcome Center 

This is your point of contact for all questions concerning residence permits, legal affairs etc. 

The are happy to offer you detailed advice if you apply in person. 

Image by Dev Asangbam


Here you find up-to-date information on dealing with the corona pandemic in Dresden.

Friends on Road Trip

ERASMUS student network

The ESN is a non-profit international student organisation in Dresden. The association of voluntary students organises events, excursions and parties for all international students to make their stay in Dresden as great as possible. Germans can come to the parties too. :) 

Tourist Photographer

Dresden Tourist Information

The tourist information offices at the  Hauptbahnhof  and in the QF-Passage at Neumarkt are looking forward to your visit!

Wearing Mask in Public Transport

Dresdner Verkehrsbetriebe (DVB)

The DVB -The Dresden Public Transport Service - is always good to have handy when you plan a day sightseeing or even going outside of Dresden. 

Remember, with the TU Dresden student card, you travel for free. 

Tour Bus

Get your guide

"Get your Guide" is a website that offers tours and tickets for many German cities. Start with Dresden and explore other cities the longer you stay!

Image by Alexander Popov

Bar Guide

This Erasmus platform gives excellent guides to cities in Europe and particularly where to go at night. Study this guide and plan your next Saturday evening!


Image by Anthony DELANOIX

Dresden Nightlife

This sites unfortunately only operates in German, but it shows you everything that is happening at a particular date of your choice, including links to buy tickets for theater shows, food shows, concerts, operas etc 

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